Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Letter From An Impressed Vet

Biopet Vet Lab received this letter from a veterinarian who used the DNA Breed Identification Test on one of her dogs that was of a known breed. She was mighty impressed with the results:

Dear Dr. Jones,

You gave me a free DNA kit to use on my dog when I spoke to you at your booth at NAVC in FL last Jan and I promised to report. (I am skeptical about the value of these tests because I have heard reports from people with mixed breeds getting results that seem completely wacky based on what the owner knows about the dog, or the dog's obvious physical characteristics, or the probability of certain rare-ish breeds running around loose to procreate). Anyway, I am glad to report that your test did correctly identify my dog Jif as purebred border collie. She has a 10 generation pedigree so I would have been QUITE skeptical if your analysis found an aberrant breed in her DNA, but it did not. It is also interesting to note that while I presume your border collie data bank is drawn from US border collies, her father and both maternal grandparents were imported (from Scotland and Australia, respectively) but that did not put off your analysis. Now if I had handy a dog of mixed but absolutely known parentage I would try the test out on that.

Doctor from Florida, PhD DVM

(we didn't include the good doctor's name for privacy reasons)

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