Sunday, March 7, 2010


We got Kennedy from the local humane society when she was 4 years 2 months old. She had been there for 8 months prior after being dropped off by her owners because they couldn't afford to keep her. When my son and I saw her she was howling like a wolf. I thought maybe she was part husky or malamute. We were told she was a German Shepard/mix. Well I was curious about her DNA after we had her for awhile as she was smart, loving and thought she was a lap dog!

She had the tail of a husky and the face of a hound, yet she like to wrangle other dogs by barking near their tail to get them to move. Plus she had a regal quality and was a fast runner. So needless to say we were surprised at the first result. We laughed that she was part Weiner dog even though she was 49 pounds! But after we heard that, and the other results, she finally made complete sense. What a great mix she is!

Her DNA findings:
  • Level 3: Dachshund
  • Level 3: Shetland Sheepdog
  • Level 4: Poodle
  • Level 4: Saluki
  • Level 4: Siberian Husky
Thanks for the fun results!

The Mortimer Family
Huntington Beach, CA

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